Adjusting to Vision Loss

For the visually impaired as well as their family


  1. Vision loss is a difficult condition, but fortunately there are many low vision aids that can help you manage day to day. ...
  2. Learn More About Your Vision Loss. ...
  3. Seek Therapeutic Counseling for Vision Loss. ...
  4. Grieving the Loss of Vision. ...
  5. Explore Adjustment Classes and Devices for Vision Loss


We all cope differently. Sometimes our vision loss may affect a family member more than it does us. Fortunately, there's help

  • Support groups
    Provide emotional support, information about resources, and coping strategies. Some groups are for people with a specific condition, while others are for anyone experiencing sight loss. 
  • Group-based interventions
    Can improve mood, self-efficacy, and quality of life. They also provide opportunities for people to meet and share experiences. 
  • Individual counselingAvailable from trained professionals and peers.
  • Larger agenciesSuch as the Braille Institute, the Lighthouse for the Blind, and the Society for the Blind, provide counseling and support options.



These are but a few. You may not think you need it. I urge you to contact someone and at least try. 

Remember; You're visually impaired and your mental health is worth it.




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